How do you know when your team could use some course correction?

1. They’re Asking for Help

Seems obvious, right? But when your team directly tells you they need help, it's a huge indicator that support is essential. Listening to and understanding their requests is a key leadership skill. Pushing your team outside their comfort zones is crucial for growth, but there’s a fine line between fostering development and overwhelming them. Everyone’s threshold for stress is different, and the best way to find that balance is through open dialogue.

2. You Sense They’re Overwhelmed

“How are you?” The most common question can sometimes be the hardest to answer. When struggling, people often mask their true feelings with a quick “I’m fine” or “busy, busy!” Notice the hesitation when your team responds. It's a chance to dive deeper. Building strong relationships beyond work can help you better understand and support your team, especially when life’s pressures seep into the workplace.

3. You Notice a Shift in Behavior

To indeed observe your team, you need to be mentally present. It’s easy to get distracted by upcoming tasks or past interactions, but these distractions can prevent you from noticing subtle signs of stress or dissatisfaction. Eliminating distractions and focusing on the present moment allows you to pick up on the unspoken cues that reveal your team’s true dynamics.

These three signs and the tactics to improve connections with your team can help create a supportive and productive work environment. Embrace these strategies to lead your team effectively and foster a thriving community.

Maritza Salazar Campo


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