The only program that helps scientists move from scholarly sluggishness to high-impact investigators by creating a clear scientific vision, cultivating a robust collaborative network, and readying them for more research funding—in just 9 online modules!

Is this for you?            What is it?            What You Get            Curriculum            Bonus Offer

Does this sound like you?

→ I have solid training and put in the effort, but I haven’t been able to establish research independence. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.  Why am I not successful at this yet?

→ I’ve considered starting a new project, but I get anxious. What if I share my ideas with others and they respond poorly or even steal them? Will I regret continuing to play it safe?

→ I always focused on building my technical skills and mastering my scientific expertise, and now I spend so much time managing people and projects in my lab.  Where do I even start to learn about how to do this better?

→ I’ve been doing this for a LONG time, and I have several grants and a good track record, but I feel like I’m in a rut! I am buried in administrative and other demands and don’t even remember the last time I had time to think about brainstorming or building toward something bigger - like a large grant or a center. How do I find the time?

Then, you’ve found the right course for you.…

If you’ve dreamed of having a successful career in science but find it difficult to drive projects and deliverables in light of your never-ending to-do list and meetings that leave little time for thinking...


Research Career Accelerator is the only program that draws on years of evidence-based insights gleaned from studying researchers and their research labs to uncover what works and what doesn’t.  I’ve taken these findings have custom-designed the Research Career Accelerator so you can grow and make the scientific progress and impact you dreamed of when you started this career.

In no time, you’ll find that you are spending more time focused on generating new ideas, advancing existing ideas and projects, and tapping into a whole new level of research capacity.

So, I’m asking if you’re ready for an R&R - a refresh and reboot - to help you reset your research career. Ready to course correct?



A 9-part course, jam-packed with rich material, that teaches the fundamentals of what it takes to tap into your scientific leader potential.  Plus, this course draws on pedagogical best practices to ensure you can immediately apply what you learn in the lab.



9 hours of video, broken into 5-7 minute mini modules on various topics from prioritizing creative visioning, strategically building your collaborative network, and driving deliverables in collaborations.


To fast-track progress, reflective worksheets, developmental plans, agenda and email templates, and other planning downloads are available.


Lifelong learner? Follow along with Maritza and learn from insights in newly released and classic books on leadership and teamwork. 


Case-based and scenario-based learning are the hallmarks of a business school curriculum. Experience state-of-the-art scenarios to help you grow as a leader.


Maritza will host live office hours to support leadership development once a month, answering your questions and discussing challenges. 


Stay tuned for one-on-one interviews with leaders and teams doing great work and tremendously impacting their fields. They’ll share tips and tricks you won’t want to miss.


Hi, I’m a business school professor committed to studying what makes impactful leaders and labs in top universities across the United States. Over the past decade, I’ve developed frameworks, tools, and techniques that have all been rigorously tested in research studies funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. 

I want to share what I’ve learned with YOU, providing action-by-action steps you need to build your research capacity. If you've been creating systems in your labs and centers based on the “my advisor did it this way” model, the Research Career Accelerator gives you the processes I've helped other scientific teams implement to get more grants, make more remarkable progress, and spend time on what matters most – the science.

In this program, I take the guesswork out of running an efficient and effective lab or center so you can make faster strides toward scientific impact. The result? You get the gift of TIME back into your day, you lead like you want, and your team’s productivity is amplified.



Take back your time and spend more effort on scientific discovery.

Draft a winning grant proposal that gives you the money to do the science you dream of. 

Lead people and projects more effectively, developing both to their full potential.

Trusted by Numerous Clients, Audiences, and Research Partners:



Research Career Accelerator consists of 6 Modules that make up your core scientific leader playbook. Each training is designed to help you clearly understand the career and work you want to do. The mobile and tablet-friendly curriculum allows you to work at your own pace and time. It’s also clearly laid out, and it is easy to immediately draw on what you learned.

One-on-One Coaching Service (Value $2,500)


Consider receiving coaching from Maritza, a certified executive coach. Maritza's comprehensive approach and understanding of a career in academia create an experience designed to revolutionize your scientific leadership capabilities! You can meet to discuss challenges you’re facing or ways you want to grow, all aimed at establishing clear and achievable objectives tailored to your needs.



Discounts for UCI and UCLA investigators associated with the CTSAs on their campus.

(Email for an access code)

$45/Month for
8 monthly modules

$325/Year for a
One-time Purchase



  • Everything is online—no travel is required. As long as you are a paying member, you have lifetime access to the training, so you can review the materials on your own time and work at your own pace.

  • Research Career Accelerator is concise, action-oriented, purpose-driven, and transformative. Most importantly, those who dedicate themselves to it get results FAST!

  • If you consistently win research funding and publish with collaborators, this experience isn’t right for you. Let me know if you want to be featured on the podcast!

  • I didn’t create the Research Career Accelerator to be a huge, bulky course that will gather digital dust in your inbox—instead, it was specifically created to give actionable, to-the-point info so you can get through it in a short 1-2 hour block each month. The goal is to get you through the Research Career Accelerator system so we can start getting you some results!

    Building a robust program of research is something other than a weekend event. This program mirrors the reality of scholarly progress — it’s a journey, not a sprint. It takes testing, tweaking, consistency, and something you’ll work on for your research career.

Why wait longer to achieve the SUCCESS YOU DESERVE?!