Exclusive career-enhancing courses backed by a decade of data

I’ve helped hundreds of scientists and industry leaders refine their career goals, re-tool, and reach their fullest potential. And, I can’t wait to help YOU!

Research Career Accelerator

Do you want more clarity and direction to advance your research or scientific career? Do you want to get more funding, more effective collaborations, and greater scientific impact? Then, you’ve come to the right place. This online, 8-part program is designed for high achievers like yourself who want to re-tool and step into their fullest potential.

Scientific Lab Accelerator

Whenever you’re not getting the results you want, crucial collaboration and leadership skills are likely not being used in a timely or impactful way. Team and organizational success depends on competent talent, a compelling direction, collaboration processes, and metrics. Ready to get on the right course by getting the capabilities you need to drive key performance outcomes?

Proposal Prep Challenge

The Proposal Prep Challenge is the #1 way I can help you prioritize, start, and submit your funding proposal due this Fall.

Get instant access to the best grant-writing resources — video tutorials, live Q&As, community discussions, and expert insights — all in one convenient place. We provide a clear roadmap to make the most of the remaining days of summer, backed by a community of scholars doing the same right along with you!

The Proposal Prep 60-day challenge will help you get there faster with…

  • Fewer meetings and less wasted time

  • Weekly accountability assignments

  • Tips on getting guidance from accomplished experts

  • An active community of fellow scholars

  • A library of resources for every step of your proposal writing journey

We’ll show you how to submit the highest quality proposal that will get you funded, so you can get to the work you love.

Corporate Offerings

What if you could create a workplace culture and environment that excites and motivates people to come to work every day or to work remotely? Imagine being on the right path toward your organizational objectives. The courses below will help you achieve that by guiding you to create a workplace where employees are more focused and ready to excel.

Ready to Work with Dr. Campo?

Already Enrolled in Dr. Campo's UCI Courses?