Grow your lab. Get more grants.
Produce with greater impact.

Is this for you?            What is it?            What You Get            Curriculum            Bonus Offer

Learn about the DNA of cutting-edge research - teams.

→ Want to run a productive, fun, innovative lab or center that revs up your research productivity and creates a culture that’s always challenging the status quo?

→ This course will provide insights into building a highly creative and collaborative research lab/center instead of feeling like you’re always building blind.

→ This course will teach you exactly what works and how to create a lab environment that encourages member engagement and drives more lab funding and productivity.

→ This course will also help you to be a stronger contributor to your lab, as you will gain insights into how to work more cohesively and collaboratively with colleagues.

→ Now, instead of worrying about lab dynamics, including team members who aren’t delivering as you wish, individuals who aren’t getting along with others as well as you’d hoped, or projects that just can’t seem to move forward as fast as you’d like, why not get to solutions?

If you’re ready to learn strategies to enhance your lab or center’s effectiveness and are eager to learn the information you need to contribute more constructively.


This course aims to go beyond the basics of a typical team dynamics curriculum and tailor it so that it is relevant and immediately applicable to academic research settings. I share insights from numerous funded NSF and NIH research studies about what makes a scientific lab and research center effective.  

As a result, you will acquire a theoretically and empirically-based understanding of how to build a better team, work together more effectively, and foster alignment around shared scientific aims and goals. 

You will also learn what developmental approaches to use to ensure each of you and everyone working in the lab grows professionally while continuing to drive the deliverables that will keep the funding flowing.

I will show you step-by-step what you can do to build research capacity together.

Now, have you ever taken a course with lots of great information, but in the end, you need to figure out what you're supposed to do with all that great information?

This is different from those courses. 

At the end of each module, Maritza gives you a very clear, manageable action item—your assignments for the lesson. This ensures that you and your collaborators are making steady, ongoing progress and that you start seeing results immediately.



This 9-module course is designed to help you establish a solid business foundation for your research lab.


9 hours of video, broken into 5-7 minute mini modules on various topics.


Teams can access experiential and hands-on activities through downloadable PDFs or cloud-based tools. They are engaging and fun!


To fast-track progress, reflective worksheets, developmental plans, agenda and email templates, and other planning downloads are available. 


Lifelong learner? Follow along with Maritza and learn from insights in newly released and classic books on leadership and teamwork. 


Case-based and scenario-based learning are the hallmarks of a business school curriculum. Experience state-of-the-art scenarios to help you grow as a leader.


Maritza will host live office hours to support learners once a month, answering common questions and discussing challenges. 


Hi, I’m a business school professor who has been studying some of the leading research labs and scientific centers in top universities across the United States for over a decade.  My frameworks, tools, and techniques have all been rigorously tested in research studies funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. Working closely with hundreds of investigators and their teams, I want to share what I’ve learned with   

 you, providing action-by-action steps you need to build your research capacity. If you've been creating systems in your labs and centers based on the “my advisor did it this way” model, TITLE gives you the processes I've helped other scientific teams implement to get more grants, make greater progress, and spend time on what matters most – the science.

In this program, I take the guesswork out of running a more efficient and impactful lab or center so you can make faster strides toward scientific impact. The result? You get the gift of TIME spent on the right things back into your days, and the potential of your team’s productivity becomes amplified.

I’ve worked with research labs, centers, and institutes at all of these leading research institutions.

I look forward to WORKING WITH YOU, TOO!



Research Career Accelerator consists of 6 Modules that make up your core scientific leader playbook. Each training is designed to help you clearly understand the career and work you want to do. The mobile and tablet-friendly curriculum allows you to work at your own pace and time. It’s also clearly laid out, and it is easy to immediately draw on what you learned.

Small Group Coaching Service (Value $2,500)


Join Maritza's comprehensive course, designed to revolutionize your team's performance! Your team will explore the significance of effective team dynamics and strategic goal-setting, all aimed at establishing clear and achievable objectives tailored to your needs. Your team will critically assess its dynamics to identify ways to enhance roles, improve communication, and resolve conflicts effectively.



Free for UCI and UCLA investigators associated with the CTSAs on their campus.

(Email for an access code)

$450/quarter, includes team activities and exercises.

$1500/year (1 quarter free!)



  • The course is self-paced, and you may take as long as necessary to complete it. There is no time limit for completion.  We have developed the course with a focus per month, with self-paced lab and personal activities.

  • You will have year-long access to the Scientific Accelerator Lab.

  • Log into the course after purchasing to gain access to all material. Course videos are not available for download and must be viewed through the platform. However, some items, such as course worksheets, will be available for download.

  • Log in to the course by clicking the link below.

  • For questions about your billing or accessing the course materials, email

Grow your lab. Get more grants. Produce with GREATER IMPACT.